Ravenna Greataxe (2025)

Ravenna Greataxe (1) GreataxesRavenna Greataxe (2)
Ravenna Greataxe (3)OldRavenna Greataxe (4)IronRavenna Greataxe (5)LionRavenna Greataxe (6)Ravenna

A large two-handed axe made of bronze that is in decent condition, it would serve nicely as a weapon.

–Item Description

Ravenna Greataxe (7) Overview[]

The Ravenna Greataxe is an uncommon greataxe dropped by Dame Caesennia. It can also be found in treasure chests.

Ravenna Greataxe (8) Weapon Skills[]



Attack DescriptionKeybindStats


SlashSlash the Great-Axe with Decent range.LMBN/ARavenna Greataxe (9)
DevastateSlam the weapon down into the ground with all you'r force, shattering the ground and sending nearby Enemis into the air.QWeapon level: 200+Ravenna Greataxe (10)
Striking GaleSlash the weapon with a lot of strength, sending a tornado towards the enemy.EWeapon level: 230+Ravenna Greataxe (11)
Skull CrusherSwing the weapon at the targets knees, Knocking them sideways, and then slam the weapon on their head, dealing large damageRWeapon level: 270+Ravenna Greataxe (12)
  • Weapons

  • Strength Weapons

  • Spirit Weapons

  • Boss Weapons

Light Bladed[]



Dual Bladed[]

Ravenna Greataxe (13)


Ravenna Greataxe (14)


Ravenna Greataxe (15)


Ravenna Greataxe (16)


Ravenna Greataxe (17)

Dual Swords

Ravenna Greataxe (18)

Dual Katana

Heavy Bladed[]


Heavy Cleaver[]



Ravenna Greataxe (19)


Ravenna Greataxe (20)


Ravenna Greataxe (21)


Ravenna Greataxe (22)


Ravenna Greataxe (23)


Ravenna Greataxe (24)





Heavy Blunt[]

Ravenna Greataxe (25)


Ravenna Greataxe (26)


Ravenna Greataxe (27)


Ravenna Greataxe (28)


Ravenna Greataxe (29)


Ravenna Greataxe (30)





Multi Pistols[]



Ravenna Greataxe (31)


Ravenna Greataxe (32)


Ravenna Greataxe (33)


Ravenna Greataxe (34)

Multi Pistols

Ravenna Greataxe (35)


Ravenna Greataxe (36)


Colossal Thrusting[]

Colossal Cleaver[]

Ravenna Greataxe (37)

Lance of Loyalty

Ravenna Greataxe (38)

Lion's Halberd

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Ravenna Greataxe (2025)


How to get Ravenna Greataxe? ›

The Ravenna Greataxe is an uncommon greataxe dropped by Dame Caesennia. It can also be found in treasure chests.

How to get Ravenna Sword Arcane Odyssey? ›

The Ravenna Sword is a Common average quality sword that can be found in chests or as a fishing drop.

Where can I get Greatsword Arcane Odyssey? ›

The Greatsword is a Common average quality greatsword that can be found in chests or as a fishing drop.

How to get rotten greataxe early? ›

Where to Get the Rotten Greataxe. The Rotten Greataxe is dropped by specific Rotten Duelist in the Consecrated Snowfield region, west of the Mountaintops of the Giants. You'll find this enemy located near Ordina, Liturgical Town, in the far north of the region leading to Miquella's Haligtree.

How do you get Stormhawk AXE? ›

Where to Get the Stormhawk Axe. The Stormhawk Axe can be gained in multiple ways - both found in the world and dropped from Nepheli Loux, who wields to Stormhawk Axes. The first can be found courtyard area of the Fortified Manor, which lies inside the Legacy Dungeon - Leyndell, Royal Capital - on its western side.

What is the rarest weapon in Arcane Odyssey? ›

With a tiny one in 2,000 chance of getting it, the Sunken Sword is one of the rarest and most coveted items in the game. To guarantee your chances of getting this powerful weapon, you'll need to catch a staggering 3,000 fish.

What is the rarest chest in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Gold chests are the rarest variant of treasure chests, which rarely spawn in place of silver and common chests. When found, they will always give 3 items, with the possibility of galleons as well.

Is Arcane Odyssey p2w? ›

Unless you count every single real time game and every timed turn-base game as p2w, Arcane Odyssey is not pay to win.

What are the odds of getting the sunken sword in Arcane Odyssey? ›

As such it has a base 1 in 16,000 (0.00625%) chance of being obtained while fishing. There's a helpful "pity counter": after 3,000 fish, the 3,001st catch guarantees a sunken item. This counter doesn't reset if you find one earlier.

Does weapon level matter in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Weapons are a type of combat in Arcane Odyssey, being one of the 4 major build options (Weapons, Magic, Fighting Styles and Spirit Weapons). Each weapon comes with preset skills that require a certain weapons level to use.

What is the axe weapon of God? ›

Hinduism. The parashu named Vidyudabhi is the weapon of the god Shiva who gave it to Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Vishnu, whose name means "Rama with the axe" and also taught him its mastery. Parashurama was the guru of Drona, the guru who instructed the Pandavas in the epic Mahabharata.

Is the Leviathan Axe better than Mjolnir? ›

The Leviathan Axe is Canonically More Powerful than Mjolnir.

What is the best axe in fate? ›

The Dwarven Axe has the greatest Strength requirement and base value of any weapon in any class. The artifact version of the Dwarven Axe is Curse of Mourning.

How to get the greataxe in Elden Ring? ›

It is located in a chest at the back of the moving carriage that makes its way up the main road to the Gatefront Ruins, and is pulled by two Stonedigger Trolls, and guarded by many Noble Undead and Kaiden Sellswords. Note that the carriage has to be stationary before the chest can be looted.

How do you get the Obliterator AXE? ›

Obtained by defeating the Argent Wolf Berserker in the middle of the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood.

Where can I buy Greataxe? ›

The Blooded Greataxe is sold by Dammon, the Tieflling blacksmith inside the Emerald Grove. The price of this weapon may vary from session to session, though it averages at around 700 gold, which is a lot of money for this stage of the game.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.