Ravenna Greatsword Arcane Odyssey (2025)

1. Ravenna Greatsword | Arcane Odyssey Wiki - Fandom

  • The Ravenna Greatsword is a Heavy Bladed-type Weapon found through chests, and is one of the four Greatswords. The Weapon itself is made from bronze, ...

  • ​ The Ravenna Greatsword is a Heavy Bladed-type Weapon found through chests, and is one of the four Greatswords. The Weapon itself is made from bronze, staying on trend with the main material used by the Bronze Legion of the Ravenna Realm. Design wise the sword is based upon Gaelic blades, bearing a similar heritage as its non-bronze counterpart, Greatsword. The Ravenna Greatsword is a retextured Gaelic Great Longsword.

2. Greatswords | Arcane Odyssey Wiki - Fandom

  • Ravenna Greatsword. Level: 100+. Class: Heavy Bladed Rarity: Uncommon Variant: Normal Quality: Good. 1.05 ; Atlantean Greatsword. Level: 100+. Class: Heavy ...

  • ​ Greatswords are two-handed heavy bladed type of weapons that can be used by weapon style players in battle. They are centered around cleaving anything in front of the wielder. Greatswords excels at fighting multiple enemies up close. Its skills offer great area of effect whilst still retaining high damage. Any skills put on a greatsword will be bigger at the cost of speed.

3. Ravenna Sword | Arcane Odyssey Wiki - Fandom

4. As a ravenna greatsword warrior - PvP - Arcane Odyssey

  • 16 okt 2023 · I…um, well, is ravenna greatsword too good? My current weapon build are scimitars of storm, greenwish staff, and ofc the greatsword.

  • I…um, well, is ravenna greatsword too good? My current weapon build are scimitars of storm, greenwish staff, and ofc the greatsword. Should I use something else like claws or guns instead of the greatsword? Cuz I mean, its not as broken as the siren bow but it does have a pretty large aoe, is it unfair to use this weapon?

5. Greatsword | Arcane Odyssey Wiki | Fandom

  • The Greatsword is a Common average quality greatsword that can be found in chests or as a fishing drop.

  • ​ The Greatsword is a Common average quality greatsword that can be found in chests or as a fishing drop.

6. where do you get ravenna greatsword? - Arcane Odyssey Wiki

  • 19 mrt 2023 · Weapon chests 0 CookieTank12345's avatar CookieTank12345· 3/19/2023 You can also defeat ravenna centurions for those.

  • I dont think its in the wiki lol someone add the…

7. Selling ravenna greatsword (forged by vetex) - Arcane Odyssey

  • JoeC00I July 11, 2023, 3:46am 1. Selling Ravenna greatsword (Forged by Vetex) :exploding_head: :cold_face: :100: Let it be KNOWN that I will IGNORE! troll ...

  • Selling Ravenna greatsword (Forged by Vetex)🤯🥶💯 Let it be KNOWN that I will IGNORE! troll offers For example, do NOT offer only ONE HEADLESS

8. Ravenna Greataxe | Arcane Odyssey Wiki - Fandom

  • The Ravenna Greataxe is an uncommon greataxe dropped by Dame Caesennia. It can also be found in treasure chests.

  • ​ The Ravenna Greataxe is an uncommon greataxe dropped by Dame Caesennia. It can also be found in treasure chests.

9. Weapons | Arcane Odyssey Wiki - Fandom

  • Average Quality (Iron, Bronze, Wooden (Bow), Ravenna (Sword), Samerian, Keraxe), 50+, 3. Good Quality (Ravenna, Atlantean, Sunken), 100+, 5. Weapons ...

  • Weapons are a type of combat in Arcane Odyssey, being one of the 4 major build options (Weapons, Magic, Fighting Styles and Spirit Weapons). Each weapon comes with preset skills that require a certain weapons level to use. In general, weapons come in 5 main variants that are determined by what stats you invest in: Normal Weapons - Only require investment into the Weapons stat to use their skills. Strength Weapons - Weapons that are physically too heavy for normal Warriors to wield, requiring inv

Ravenna Greatsword Arcane Odyssey (2025)


How to get Ravenna sword Arcane Odyssey? ›

The Ravenna Sword is a Common average quality sword that can be found in chests or as a fishing drop.

What is the rarest chest in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Gold chests are the rarest variant of treasure chests, which rarely spawn in place of silver and common chests. When found, they will always give 3 items, with the possibility of galleons as well. They have a 1 in 5 chance to give an ingredient.

What is the best weapon in Arcane Odyssey Roblox? ›

Noble Thunderspear, Stormcaller, and Scimitars of Storm are three of the most unique and powerful weapons in Arcane Odyssey.

What is the strongest fighting style in Arcane Odyssey? ›

There's a reason Thermo Fist stands as the best fighting style in Roblox Arcane Odyssey. Or rather, a bunch of reasons. Firstly, Thermo Fist is the only fighting style that amps up in power the more combos you hit.

Where is Ravenna in the Arcane Odyssey? ›

The Ravenna Realm is a nation based on the island of Ravenna, the 2nd largest island in the Bronze Sea. The island of Ravenna consists of 3 settlements, them being 2 towns and a city all situated on the Bronze Sea coastline.

Where can I get Greatsword Arcane Odyssey? ›

The Greatsword is a Common average quality greatsword that can be found in chests or as a fishing drop.

What is the highest damage magic in Arcane Odyssey? ›

  • Light: Fastest magic, applies Blinded.
  • Explosion: Highest attack size and destruction, applies Charred.
  • Poison: Highest overall damage including Status Effect, applies Poisoned.
  • Metal: Highest base damage, applies Bleeding.

Does weapon level matter in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Each weapon comes with preset skills that require a certain weapons level to use.

Is lightning the best magic in Arcane Odyssey? ›

With 7 clash advantages and 4 clash disadvantages, Lightning wins clashes against solid magics as well as Light and Shadow, but loses clashes against liquid magics, along with some heavy magics.

Is water good in Arcane Odyssey? ›

Water is best known for its ability to make enemies vulnerable to the Frozen and Paralyzed status effects when used in conjunction with a magic that inflicts the Freezing or Snowy, or Paralysis status effects, making it serve well as a second magic. Because of this, it synergizes best with Ice and Snow, and Lightning.

Is Ash Magic good in Arcane Odyssey? ›

With 4 clash advantages and 13 clash disadvantages, Ash is at a disadvantage when clashing with most magics of the same level, but a higher level Ash user would end up drawing or winning most of the clashes due to the small margin.

Who is the king boss in Arcane Odyssey? ›

King Calvus is one of the most (relatively) difficult bosses currently in Arcane Odyssey, with 4,500 Health and two phases. Calvus has access to a moveset that affords him with significant mobility, massive AOEs, and high damage.

What are the odds of getting the sunken sword in Arcane Odyssey? ›

As such it has a base 1 in 16,000 (0.00625%) chance of being obtained while fishing. There's a helpful "pity counter": after 3,000 fish, the 3,001st catch guarantees a sunken item. This counter doesn't reset if you find one earlier.

How do I get a sword in Arcane Lineage? ›

They can be bought from weapon shops. Each class has their respective weapons that they can use and can be obtained in their own way. Deals additional damage to burning enemies. Sold by the Mysterious Merchant in Caldera Town.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.